Remove Cystic Acne in Singapore: What you need to know

remove acne singapore

Approximately 95% of people aged between 11 to 30 are affected by acne, and it’s an issue pretty much all of us have experienced at one point or another so no wonder how to remove acne is consistently one of the most googled skincare questions in Singapore.

The year 2020 only increased this quest for acne treatment thanks to our most used accessory – the facemask. Maskne (a blend of mask and acne) can cause or aggravate pimples and can even turn normal hormonal acne cystic, yet another blow for acne sufferers.

Fortunately, there are some great acne treatments in Singapore which can visibly improve and remove acne, read on to find out more.

Cystic VS Hormonal Acne

cystic vs hormonal acne

Before we determine the best way to remove acne, it’s important to highlight the difference between cystic and hormonal acne.

Hormonal AcneCystic Acne
Typically appears on the lower half of your face, especially around the jawlineCan appear all over the face, but also appear on the neck, back, chest and arms
Usually worse at different stages of the menstrual cycleThe most serious type of acne
Manifests in whiteheads, blackheads and small pimplesSpots are large, deep and tender to the touch

Effective treatments to remove cystic acne

Severe cystic acne will almost always require medical advice. Over the counter (OTC) products such as washes and topical ointments might seem like a cheaper, easier option but most likely will be ineffective, a waste of money and can even cause more damage.

There also is no one product that will reduce active acne, acne sufferers will need a combination of products and treatments before they see results. Typical acne treatment in Singapore will usually start with prescribed antibiotics, before undergoing recommended cosmetic treatments.

acne treatment plan singapore

Laser therapy is one of the leading treatments for scarring, pigmentation, reducing pore size and improving skin’s overall texture. Dermatologists will also recommend topical ointments such as Benzoyl Peroxide which is proven to destroy acne-causing bacteria, reduce inflammation, and control sebum production.

This combination of antibiotics, cosmetic treatments and topical acne solutions form a great acne treatment plan for managing and removing cystic acne.

At home acne prevention

Although the bulk of the work to get rid of acne comes from the doctor, there are some things you can do at home to improve your chances of achieving beautiful, clear skin.

It’s important to know we are not talking about apple cider vinegar, yoghurt facemasks or tea tree oil here. Although those things can be good for your skin, they lack scientific evidence and cannot compare to the type of clinical treatments above.

Instead, let’s talk about basic things you can do to prevent acne from getting worse.

  1. Don’t pop your spots
dos and donts cystic acne

We’ve all been there. Of course, a huge whitehead appears just before that big occasion you have been looking forward to. But as unsightly as it may look, we implore you do not pop.

Popping pimples won’t remove acne like you think it will, instead you will just increase the risk of infection causing further spots, and you’ll tear your skin which will lead to scarring. Believe us when we say it’s not worth it!

2.         Ice the area

If you do find yourself in a situation where you need to get rid of a spot ASAP, consider icing the to help reduce the swelling and size of your pimples.

3.         Don’t aggravate it

Similar to point 1, the best thing you can do with a fresh spot is to leave it alone. Don’t touch it if you can help it. As much as you may want to slather on some concealer, think twice unless it’s absolutely necessary.

aesthetic doctor for acne

What do I do if I have cystic acne?

Cystic acne can be difficult to get rid of with just at-home skincare routines, even with a specialized dermatological skincare line.

While the causes of cystic acne vary for every individual, this is where a skin expert should come in. A dermatologist is also known as a skin doctor, and they have years in training and experience and are the best fit to analyze the condition of your skin and recommend your treatment options.

A dermatologist in Singapore or an aesthetic doctor (also a skin expert) can design special acne treatment plans specifically for your skin condition – either consisting of all or some of the effective treatment options discussed above.

These acne treatments are unparalleled in their ability to treat and remove stubborn, active or recurring acne. Take your first step towards the best acne treatment in Singapore with our list of recommended aesthetic doctors.