Which Acne Scar Removal Treatment In Singapore Is Suitable For You?

Acne scars are treatable. All that is required is to find the right acne scar treatment in Singapore for the right one.

Not every laser treatment is suitable to even out your scarred skin, and it is just as essential to know the type of acne scars you are dealing with, so that you can find the most suitable treatment.

Does each type of acne scar require a different treatment in Singapore?

Of course. Acne breakouts can have various intensities, from mild to severe. While mild or moderate acne may result in whiteheads or blackheads with light-red or -brown marks, they usually heal on their own. Severe acne, on the other hand, may leave permanent scarring.

Also, a person may have more than one type of acne scars. That’s why it is important to undergo specific procedures for the types of scarring that you have. Professional dermatologist-performed acne scar removal treatments in Singapore tend to show visible improvements in skin texture and healing the acne scars effectively.

Now, let’s take a look at the different types of acne scars and their recommended treatments: 

acne scar types

Type 1: Atrophic Scars

Atrophic scars look like flat and sunken depressions caused by a loss of skin tissue, commonly caused by severe cystic acne. There are three types of atrophic scars:

  • Boxcar scars – Boxcar scars are round, broad depressions with sharp vertical sides. These usually appear on the lower cheeks and jaw, giving an uneven and pitted appearance to the skin.
  • Ice pick scars – Ice pick scars extend deep into the skin’s surface but are still smaller in width, as compared to boxcar scars. These leave narrower indentations and may look like open pores. They commonly appear on the cheeks.
  • Rolling scars– Rolling scars give the skin rolling depressions, making it appear wavy and uneven. These are widest in comparison to boxcar or ice pick scars.

Suggested treatment for atrophic scars

  • Dermabrasion: This procedure involves the use of a high-speed brush or similar tool to resurface the skin, making the appearance of the scars look less deep.
  • Dermal or face fillers: These fillers are injected into the scar to provide an even and smoother texture.
  • Chemical peels: Ideal for treating shallow acne scars, chemical peels are performed by applying a chemical solution to the skin, removing its outer layers and leaving it more evenly toned.
  • Skin grafting: This procedure involves filling the scars with a small piece of healthy skin taken from another part of your body, usually from behind the ear.
  • Laser therapy: Laser treatment for acne scars uses high-energy light to remove the skin’s outer layers and reduce any pigmentation and redness.
  • Punch excision: This surgical procedure is performed by cutting or excising scars. It mostly targets pitted acne scarring like ice pick scars.
  • Microneedling: This is a derma-rolling procedure which involves using small, fine needles on the scars to promote collagen production and reduce the depth of the scars.

Type 2: Hypertrophic and Keloid Scars

Hypertrophic scars are formed above the skin’s surface, where the scar tissue appears raised. These scars are of the same size as the acne spots, but keloid scars represent a severe form of scarring.

Keloids are larger than the acne that caused them. Hypertrophic and keloid scars commonly appear on the torso but can be developed on any part of the body, including the face.

Suggested treatment for hypertrophic and keloid scars

The procedures to treat hypertrophic and keloid scars usually include the use of steroids that are injected into the scar to soften its tissue, thus reducing the raised appearance and smoothening the skin texture overtime.

Other methods include acne scar removal treatments involving ablative or non-ablative laser therapy.

Type 3: Post-inflammatory Pigmentation

Acne can leave behind the remnants of its lingering through the darkening of the skin or discoloration that occurs in patches. This is called PIH, or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and it can be prevented with proper sun protection.

However, if you pick or squeeze the acne (uh-oh!) or have a darker skin tone, then you may have to look at medical treatments to get rid of this skin condition.

Suggested treatment for post-inflammatory pigmentation

Laser therapy, chemical peels, and hydroquinone are some ways to treat post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Topical retinol and retinoids are also found useful in lightening hyperpigmentation by increasing the collagen production of the skin.

acne scar removal treatment


Acne scars can make us even more self-conscious and leave us with dwindling confidence, affecting our social, professional, and personal lives. The good news is, with all the available treatments today to treat acne scars, you can minimize their appearance by consulting a professional doctor.

Schedule a consultation with our recommended expert acne scar doctors to find the right acne scar removal treatment in Singapore suitable for your condition.